Japanese Preacher Admires Imam Khomeini

A Japanese researcher says the Japanese people love the founder of the Islamic Republic and his dynamic thought.

ID: 38699 | Date: 2015/01/26
A Japanese Islamic preacher and his wife who recently paid visit to Iran said in an interview that they show a great respect for Imam Khomeini and have a learnt a lot from his works and thought.

The academic figure noted that he was conducting research and was increasingly becoming acquainted with Imam’s personality, books and thought.

The researcher went onto say that the founder of the Islamic Republic was unique and unprecedented personality of the contemporary era.

He concluded by saying that Imam is widely respected by the Japanese preachers and people and his works were growing becoming popular among the scholars and academic circles.

The Islamic-democratic system under Imam Khomeini leadership brought prosperity for the Iranian nation and strengthened the oppressed people across the globe.

Many scholars and intellectuals believe that the founder of the Islamic Republic truly exemplified the true and genuine teachings of the holy prophet of Islam and his infallible successors in his lifestyle.

Several international magazines and institutions have recorded Imam as one of the most popular and effective religious and political leaders of the world. The great leader received more than one-million letters from religious leaders, politicians, intellectuals, officials and head of states during his leadership.