Revolution Victory Marks Milestone in Contemporary History

The day, the 22nd of the month of Bahman on the solar calendar, coincides with the victory of the Islamic revolution and a definitive end to the rule of the monarchical Pahlavi regime.

ID: 38878 | Date: 2015/02/10

Iranian nation toppled the brutal regime of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, following 2,500 years of monarchic rule in the country. Imam Khomeini founded a political system based on Islamic-democratic values.

The Islamic Revolution spearheaded by the late Imam Khomeini established a new political system based on human values and democracy.

The Islamic revolution was accomplished after decades of struggle and precious sacrifices rendered by the Iranian people.

The great Imam was sent into exile in 1964 after repeatedly lambasting the Shah regime. Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi largely depended on the United States and Israel. The great leader’s turn on February 1, 1979 marked demise of the Shah regime and a declaration of the victory for masses and public.

The great leader of the Islamic movement embarked on a chartered airliner of Air France on the evening of January 31 and arrived in Tehran the following morning. Imam arrived in Tehran from Paris on February 1, 1979, received a rapturous welcome from millions of Iranians, and announced he would smash in the mouth of the Shah-installed Bakhtiar regime.

 Imam Khomeini then traveled from the Mehrabad airport to a nearby cemetery known as Behesht-e-Zahra where many martyrs of the revolution were buried. 

On the way from airport to cemetery, millions of his supporters lined to route to cheer his name, and hundreds of thousands gathered at the cemetery to hear him speak. 

I must tell you that Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, that evil traitor, has gone. … We are saying this man, his government, his parliament are all illegal. If they were to continue to stay in power, we would treat them as criminals and would try them as criminals, declared the great leader of the Muslim world.   

I shall determine the government with the backing of this nation. Imam appointed a transitional government in order to hold referendum and election and pave the way for democratic process.

On February 5, the great leader named interim prime minister of a provisional government. Although Bazargan did not immediately announce a cabinet, the move reinforced the conditions of dual authority that increasingly came to characterize the closing days of the Pahlavi Monarchy. Imam Khomeini appointed the transitional administration as public demonstrations were spreading against remnants of Shah throughout the country.

Until February 11, several senior military commanders had announced their allegiance to Imam and the people.  By late afternoon on February 12, the Shah installed puppet regime of Bakhtiar was in hiding, and key points throughout the capital were in public and masses’ hands.

The army's withdrawal from the streets was tantamount to a withdrawal of support for the Bakhtiar regime and acted as a trigger for a general uprising.

During the 10-Day Dawn festivities, Iranians take part in different events and activities to mark the victory of the Islamic Revolution.  The anniversary, also known as the Ten-Day Fajr (Dawn), is marked annually from February 1 to 11.

Weakened by the uprisings, the Shah installed Bakhtiar’s regime was dealt its final blow on Feb. 11 when the military declared itself neutral, allowing the revolutionaries to take control.

Ultimately, Islamic revolution emerged as victorious on Feb. 11, 1979.

Iranians have begun ceremonies to celebrate the anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution, marking the overthrow of the US-backed Pahlavi dynasty. Simultaneous ceremonies are being held in 80 Iranian cultural centers across the globe.

The great Imam believed that the progressive Islamic system will guard and watch all social, material and spiritual interests of the Muslim world and oppressed nation. The progressive Islamic government brought prosperity and development for the nation in coming years.

Imam Khomeini is widely loved by devotees and believers and his works are increasingly becoming popular around the globe.