Imam Khomeini underscored significance of spiritual training

The founder of the Islamic Republic used to put great emphasizes on spiritual training of the individuals and society.

ID: 40457 | Date: 2015/07/23
According to Imam Khomeini, the main objective of the prophets and divine leaders has been to pursue the spiritual growth of the people and society. Imam also highlighted the significance of self-purification and spiritual training.

The world spiritual and religious leader also maintained that the prophets sought to establish an administration and government of justice.

Imam underscores through his works, messages and dynamic thoughts that a divine and justice-oriented government would attach great significance to human and divine values.  

The great reviver and reformer of the contemporary history said that such an administration would be able to reform the society and implement real programs for the spiritual growth of individuals. 

The great Imam believed that political and social freedoms couldn’t be accomplished without attaining spiritual freedoms and proximity to God, the Almighty. 

Imam made a Chrystal clear that a divine administration could only provide environment for realization of all potentials of society and community members. 

Imam is considered a great supporter of humanity and oppressed nations and promoter of unity among the followers of Islam and all other divine religion.

Imam revived spirituality at a sensitive juncture of history when the world had been plunged into social and moral decline.

The great leader had well command over mysticism, philosophy and several other discipline of the Islamic sciences.