Tunisian minister visits Imam Khomeini residence

Tunisian sports minister has visited the simply-built residence of the founder of the Islamic Republic in northern district of Jamaran, located in the Iranian capital Tehran.

ID: 41538 | Date: 2015/10/21
Mahir Ibn Zia, the Tunisian sports and Youth affairs minister visited the simple historic house where Imam Khomeini had opted to live following the victory of the Islamic Revolution under his wise leadership in 1979. 

He also visited an art gallery where the objects and academic works regarding the history of the Islamic Revolution and its founder have been kept. The residence and gallery are frequently visited by tourists and academic figures from across I ran and the world. 

Talking to reporters, the minister said that Imam Khomeini had left deep impact on the Iranian history.

He went onto say that there is great love and devotion for Imam among the people, and the Iranians have rendered great sacrifices for the revolution.

The Tunisian minster concluded by saying that the Iranian nation had accomplished great economic, social, political and cultural achievements following the victory of the Islamic Revolution .