Iranians mark day of resistance against global arrogance

Every year, the Iranian nation, particularly its students, hold rallies across the country to mark the day.

ID: 41630 | Date: 2016/10/31
In Tehran,large group ofdemonstrators each year gather outside the building of the former US embassy. Thirty six years ago on this day, a group of university students stormed the embassy building. They believed the USmission had turned into a center of spying aimed at overthrowing the Islamic establishment in Iran following the Islamic Revolution earlier in 1979. Documents found at the compound later corroborated claims by revolutionary students that the US was using its Tehran embassy to plot to topple the new Islamic establishment of Iran.
The November 4th has been labeled as a national day of resistance against global arrogance in Iran. Founder of the Islamic Republic Ayatollah Seyyed Rouhollah Khomeini later hailed the effort as a second revolution with a greater significance.