Estonians visit Imam Khomeini’s residence

Tourists from northern European country have visited the historic residence of the late founder of the Islamic Republic.

ID: 43903 | Date: 2016/05/06

The Estonians visited the house which is located in northern Jamaran district of the Iranian capital, Tehran.

They were deeply impressed by the simple life-style of Imam Khomeini, whose ideals, thought and works continue to attract millions of followers of various divine religions.

The visitors also visited a nearby art gallery which displays Imam’s works and objects regarding the history of the Islamic Revolution. They were also briefed about precious works and objects exhibited there.

Imam Khomeini opted to live in very simply built house after leading the Islamic Revolution to victory in 1979. The Revolution changed the balance of power in the interests of the entire Muslim world and the oppressed nations, particular Palestinians.  

His ancestral houses in the Iranian cities of Khomein and Qom are also visited by thousands of pilgrims, academics, university and seminary figures and people form echelon of society from across Iran and other parts of the world.

Imam divided his ancestral land among needy farmer and needy local residents.

Imam’s divine-oriented simple life style and his academic legacy will continue to lead next generations.