Leadership and unity among revolutionists

The Islamic Revolution was influenced by Ashura and Karbala in many ways such as the leadership and the way of fighting against the tyranny.

ID: 45436 | Date: 2016/10/07
Iranian people had the courageous spirit of martyrdom from the Ashura, inspired by Ashura they confronted the weapons, tanks and guns of the Pahlavi dynasty only by slogans like “Allah-u-Akbar”, “tanks, weapons are not effective anymore…” while in the materialistic schools of thought such a way of fighting is almost impossible.

The mode and the way may be adopted for the uprising with a limited number against an oppressive regime that has a hold everywhere. His Holiness, the Doyen of the Martyrs, his honorable household and his noble offspring taught us.

                        Sahifeh, vol17, Page: 51

The Iranian people avoided individualism and behaved with their own enemies in a kind way.

The cause for such a unity among people is the existence of a unique leadership, Iranian people had seen the characteristics of an ideal leader according to Islam teachings in Imam Khomeini. Their slogan:” Khomeini, you are a true follower of Husain” implies this fact.