Imam Khomeini sought promotion of purity, brotherhood during Nowruz

Imam in his historic messages issued on the occasion of New Iranian years used to advise the believers to promote purity and decorate themselves with divine virtues.

ID: 46933 | Date: 2016/03/23
Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Revolution, through his historical messages had recommended the believer to morally and spiritually transform themselves on the occasion of Nowruz, which commences the beginning of spring and the start of New Persian Year.

Imam also encouraged the entire nation to join hands and people from all walks of life to play a key role in reconstruction and progress of the country.

The Islamic Revolution under the wise leadership of Imam revived divine values and genuine Islamic teachings at a sensitive juncture of the history. The Islamic-Republic system also changed balance of power in the region and boosted  morale of oppressed nations across the globe.

Some phrases from a historic message delivered by Imam on the occasion of Nowruz  come as following:

“I am hopeful that God Almighty will make this year the year of mercy, blessings, purity, brotherhood, and equality and that the entire nation and the government and all the officials shall unite together and collectively lead this country toward prosperity and welfare and succeed in fulfilling all the needs of this nation; and confront any kind of transgression, which are part and parcel of all revolutions; and I hope that in this current year, our country proves to firmly establish the rule of the law. Everyone should abide by the law and no one should transgress it. No one should act against the law and everyone should act within their own limits.”


Occasion: Onset of the Iranian New Year (Nourouz) 1360 AHS


Date: March 21, 1981

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Hassan Khomeini stresses spreading love, avoiding hostilities 

Imam Khomeini remembered martyrs on Nowruz