Intellectual hails Imam Khomeini's life style, generosity

A Thai intellectual has hailed Imam Khomeini's life style, generosity and wisdom. He went onto say that Imam Khomeini expanded new horizons and highlighted various perspectives of Islamic teachings

ID: 48368 | Date: 2017/07/13

Dr .Somjavevirnapol, a professor at Bangkok University and editor in chief of Ayutthaya Times, has said that he would appreciate Imam Khomeini’s simple life-style and generosity.

Question: what are most significant features of Imam Khomeini’s personality and intellectualism?

Dr .Somjavevirnapol: Imam Khomeini’s intellectual views, generosity and his vision for future are the most significant.

 Most of the religious leaders stress on doctrines of their own religions and limit themselves to preaching and reminding about religious rites, rituals and some ceremonial practices.

Despite his insistence on worship aspects and individuals’ salvation, Imam Khomeini had explored capacities of Islam beyond this.

Question: How did Imam Khomeini introduce Islam as perfect code of life?

Dr .Somjavevirnapol: He had attached great significance to   expansion of individual, social and economic perspectives.

This all reflects his deep awareness and insightful wisdom which helped him to move in accordance with circumstances and needs of the time