How many days old do you think this bouquet is?

ID: 30228 | Date: 2013/08/11
Sometimes I would stroll with the Imam. He would take a walk thrice a day and these moments were the best opportunity to see him. Every time I would notice how graciously and intensely he would look at his surroundings. I remember one day he was standing beside a bouquet and while facing me he stated: “How many days old do you think this bouquet is?” I had never paid attention to it and told him that I did not know. He said: “I know exactly” Well I don’t remember very well but I think he said it was two and half days old. I asked: “Do you see this bouquet every day?” He replied; “I look at it everyday. Everyday when I pass from here, I notice how much it has changed and now it is two and half days old.”

How many days old do you think this bouquet is? Fatimah Tabataba’i