Imam Khomeini's recommendations for Christian spiritual leaders

ID: 51154 | Date: 2017/12/19
Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic recommended the Christian spiritual leaders and Pope to pay attention to problems facing the oppressed nations.

Imam also appealed Pope and Christian leaders to form a united front with all other followers of the divine religions to address the problems of the oppressed people and confront the aggressive policies of world exploiting powers.

Imam said in a historic message on one of the Christmas occasion as following:

Christian clerics, I am asking the American nation, the American clerics, the Christian clergy all over the world to rescue both the oppressed and Jesus Christ (‘a) and his religion.

Neither you nor I have enough time to listen to all these predicament of a poor nation.

Through your Christian clerics, I am asking the American nation, the American clerics, the Christian clergy all over the world to rescue both the oppressed and Jesus Christ (‘a) and his religion. Both Christ (‘a) and his religion are at the mercy of accusations.

Help this religion out. The Pope is being accused. People are not allowed to ask why.

Are people not allowed to ask why the Pope condemns an oppressed nation in favor of an oppressor?

Let people find out about this controversial issue through you.

They say the American government has mobilized the American nation against us at a time like this when peace is supposed to reign.

The American president is waging war everywhere in the world.

But the Christian clerics are silent. Why should they be silent? Why should they be indifferent to the oppressed?

If you know our situation, why don’t you combat the oppressors, or at least do not support them?

Is guidance confined to the lower classes of society? Or should it be given first to the upper classes? When the prophets were appointed they struggled first with the upper class.

Moses combated the Pharaoh.

The upper classes of the society should, first and foremost be confronted and then guided.

It is your responsibility to guide them and the American presidents as well. Give Jesus Christ. Save the Christian nation. Save Christianity.

Do not let people have a misconception of Christianity. Do not let the Christian clerics be introduced to the world as the supporters of the arrogant powers. May God let people of the world be free from those who act against the divine teachings of the prophets. May God release the oppressed ones out of the claws of the oppressors. (Sahifeh-ye-Imam, Vol.11, page 309-313)