I have become a source of inconvenience for you

ID: 30299 | Date: 2013/08/02

On February 1, 1979 when the Imam was due to visit the Refah School, but because of the huge crowd he went to the home of one of his relatives. However around 10 p.m. when he entered the Refah School, the pupils were stunned with disbelief on seeing the Imam in front of them. He spoke a little for the children and went to his room. From then on, I was with the Imam in the ‘Alawi School and at times had the honor of security control of the area around his room. One of the best moments of my life was when at midnight, the Imam got ready to perform ablutions and prepare for the dawn prayer. The door of the Imam’s room opened and I who hailed from a family of clergymen and was reared in the household of a clergy had never ever seen such a disciplined man of religion who at midnight came out wearing his turban, beard combed and sleeves neatly folded to perform ablutions. Suddenly, on seeing him, I was spellbound and greeted him. The Imam prayed and then stated: “I have become a source of inconvenience for you.” I replied that on the contrary he was a blessing for thirty-six million people of Iran. He prayed for me and that prayer always rings in my ears.

I have become a source of inconvenience for you: Ahmad Natiq Nuri