Qur'an aims to eliminate oppression among human, Imam Khomeini defined

According to Imam Khomeini one dimension of the Qur'an aims to eliminate oppression among human beings and introduce social 'adl among mankind.

ID: 52187 | Date: 2020/03/01
 The Qur'an is itself the book of 'adl and qist. It is, on the one hand, founded on 'adl and, on the other, for the materialization of ‘adl and qist in human society.

 In general, 'adl is the extrinsic and intrinsic aspect of the Qur'an. As put by Imam Khomeini "One dimension of the Qur'an aims to eliminate oppression among human beings and introduce social 'adl among mankind.

 If we, those who consider themselves to be followers of the Qur'an and the world Muslims strive to expand this dimension of the Qur'an - the dimension relating to the dispensation of Islamic 'adl - in the world, then it will become a world acquiring the Qur'an's external appearance ." 

From the viewpoint of the Qur'an, ‘adl is one of the Attributes of God and has different dimensions such as 'adl in the creation of creatures, endowing them with talents, enabling creatures to accomplish their perfection based on their natural dispositions, management and administration of the world of existence, legislation and enunciation of the laws required by the individual and society; 'adl in the afterlife is, attending to, measuring and evaluating man's deeds on a scale.

Divine 'adl is an Attribute of God. While being real, perfect and absolute, it is one of the principles of creation. Accordingly, it is calculated as one of the fundamental principles in the life of the individual and society. This is the meaning of belief in divine ‘'adl.

Belief in God's 'adl signifies belief in 'adl anywhere and anytime; that is, seeking 'adlnot only in philosophy but also in sociology.

On the other hand, the Qur'an views 'adl as a human and social quality rooted in human primordial nature, which means that in man's nature and creation is ingrained a tendency towards 'adl and 'adl-seeking and an aversion for oppression, tyranny, in injustice and discrimination.

This is a fact warranted by man in his inner nature even though preoccupation with superficial fools and worldly matters keep him in ignorance. The Qur'an does not recall man to something beyond his human existence, intellect and nature. If Qur'an calls man to 'adl, it is 'adl that inheres in him.