Imam Khomieni sought salvation of society in justice

As a whole, from Imam Khomeini's viewpoint, the final answer to questions such as the quality of the realization of true virtues and the way to the salvation of the society lie in 'idalah.

ID: 52586 | Date: 2018/02/26
 Verily, on top of all (human) faults and mistakes stands selfishness.As long as selfishness lingers in man, the wars, corruptions, oppressions and tyrannies will persist.

And prophets sought to actualize a just government in the world because if a government is just and driven by Divine and moral motives and human spiritual values a government that will bridle the society and improve it to a great extent, will be established.

As a whole, from Imam Khomeini's viewpoint, the final answer to questions such as the quality of the realization of true virtues and the way to the salvation of the society lie in 'idalah and its realization in the society, because 'adl means transforming man and society from their prevailing status quo into a favorable one. The evolution of man and society on the road to human perfection and Divine nature is the very notion of 'adl. Other types of 'idalah also aim at making man and society and developing him from present status to what is regarded favorable; that is, transforming the tyrant into a just one and an oppressive society to a just one:

 The establishing 'idalah signifies elevating human beings to the level of real man. 'Idalah is nothing but what issues from man. Oppression also means what issues from man.

The establishment of 'idalah means transforming the oppressor to a just one and transforming polytheists to believers. A prophet transforms a being, one if set free, will plunge into the abyss of hell - to one who is guided on the right path.