The Imam’s house in Khomeini

305 thousand people visited the Imam’s house in Khomein

The Imam was born in his house in Khomein 109 years ago and lived there until he was seventeen. It has now become a historical site, which is visited by thousands of tourists every year.

ID: 30440 | Date: 2012/01/27
Hujjat al-Islam Muhammad Jawad Razavi, who is the head of the Khomein Institute of Compilation and publication of Imam Khomeini’s works, said: “305 thousand people have come to see the Imam’s house in the past nine months….a number of them were foreigners and they viewed different sections of the Imam’s house. ”

Razavi also added: “Various cultural and art programs and a book festival, were held on different occasions during the summer. Painting and calligraphy workshops were also put up during this time. In addition the calligraphers of this city wrote down the poems of the Imam on paper and gave them as presents to those visiting the Imam’s house.”

Razavi further added: “The Imam’s house consists of different parts which he inherited, and his brother, Ayatollah Pasandideh’s house.” Razavi said that 500 thousand people came to visit this historical site every year. Imam Khomeini was born in this house 109 years ago and he lived there till he was seventeen.