An English citizen comments on Islam:

“Islam is a spiritual religion”

An English citizen, who has recently converted to Islam, visited the Imam’s house and Husseiniah Jamaran and talked of Islam as a spiritual religion.

ID: 30446 | Date: 2012/01/11
According to the Jamaran News Agency, Ms Noor al-A’yn is a lecturer in one of the English universities and said the following to a Jamaran news reporter: “I saw the Imam’s house up close. It is evident from the house he lived in that, the late Imam did not support and advocate Islam for material reasons but rather for the spirituality that is hidden in this religion.”

Ms A’yn further added: “It would be good if people from all over the world could come and see what a small house the Imam lived in, which has no sign of worldly luxuries in it. This is all due to the fact that Islam is a spiritual religion.”