ID: 53283 | Date: 2018/05/06


We are have with the pretence cloak and nothing more,

Within the hypocracy trap being chained and nothing more.

Egotism, selfishness and the self-indulgence of the carnal desire,

They made the soul, like the body, invalid, and nothing more.

In the beloved’s court we did not take nor saw,

Except the sealed letter by guilt and nothing more.

Choosing the tavern and breaking with all people,

Hoping for the event of fate and nothing more.

The dervish who is lacking the manner of a real dervish,

Looks down upon the God’s creature with disdain and nothing more.

The Sufi who lacks purity, genuflects not,

Except in front of the rich and the mighty and nothing more.

The scholar who has not adorned himself with purity,

His knowledge is explained as a veil and nothing more.

The mystic who has read some mystical books,

He has bound himself to the terms and the interpretations and nothing more.