Imam Khomeini’s Philosophy of Hajj

The explanation of Imam Khomeini’s philosophy of Hajj found in Be Sooy-e-Miqaat

The book Be Sooy-e-Miqaat takes a look at Imam Khomeini’s philosophy regarding Hajj and discusses and explains the Imam’s philosophy. This book was composed by Hujjat-al-Islam Ali Akbar Babaei, and has been published by O’rooj Publucations.

ID: 30457 | Date: 2012/01/22
The book Be Sooy-e-Miqaat is about the secret of Hajj and is aimed at being a textbook for clergymen, however other people visiting Medina and Mecca would find it very useful and enlightening. The main characteristic of this book is that in every chapter the views of Imam Khomeini play a central role. In addition Qur’anic verses and traditions are used as the source of this book, which have also been extracted from Imam Khomeini’s works.

This work consists of five chapters which can educate the clergymen visiting Mecca and Medina with Hajj tours and those visiting the two holy cities. This book was compiled by Hujjat al-Islam Ali Akbar Babazadeh and has been published by O’rooj Publications.
Source: Jamaran News Agency