God bestowed favor upon mankind by sending messengers

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic through his theological works stated that Almighty God has bestowed a favor upon mankind by sending His messengers to train their spiritual side which is the most important one.

ID: 53310 | Date: 2018/04/21
According to Imam, what makes similar actions different from one another is the ultimate goal attached to them that forces human beings to take such actions.

Then, God, the Most High will elevate people to the lofty position of humanity.

The Prophets were assigned to purge, purify and then teach human beings the Book and Wisdom as well as to teach the control of the material aspects of them, Imam Khomeini noted.

 Those who are materialistic, regard materiality in unleashing terms.

According to Imam’s views,  the Prophets were assigned to train human beings in such a way that all material gains come under the control of the spirit.

 The basic principle is spiritualities, which no school of thought or ruling clique in the world pay heed to them.