cancelled Salman Rushdie’s visit to India

Fear of Imam Khomeini’s Fatwa

Salman Rushdie who was condemned to death by the fatwa of Imam Khomeini because of his book “The Satanic Verses”, withdrew from traveling to India and attending at the Literature festival of this country, fearing Imam’s fatwa.

ID: 30480 | Date: 2012/02/05
Based on Al-Manar TV’s report, Salman Rushdie was supposed to attend at Jaipur Literature festival in India but on January 20th and after wide sit-ins and protest by the Muslims of India and fearing Imam Khomeini’s fatwa he canceled his trip.

A speech at the opening ceremony of the Jaipur Literature festival was managed for the author of the blasphemy book, The Satanic Verses; but the wide spread demonstrations by the Muslim Indians prevented Roushdie from attending to this five day festival.

The Indian Muslim groups had decided to demonstrate on Friday to protest against the managed presence of this apostate author; but after the police convinced them that Rushdie isn’t attending at the festival, they dissuaded from their decision.

By the announcement of Rushdie’s attendance some of the states in India such as Rajasthan were in a military alert, and had deep concerns about the Muslim’s demonstrations.

Islamic groups of India along with their gratitude to works of Muslims for preventing from Rushdie’s appearance, named the cancelation of this condemned to death author’s trip a great victory. The Islamic university “Darul Uloom Deoband” which has a great influence in India, was the main opposition of Rushdie’s presence in India, the deputy of this center had said: “Salman Rushdie should be prohibited from entering to India; because he has insulted the feeling of all Muslims.”

Salman Rushdie, 65 years old, born in Mumbai, India, insulted Muslims and the prophet of Islam in 1988 by publishing the blasphemy book “The Satanic Verses”. The publication of this book rose anger among all Muslims throughout the world. The book was banned in many countries with large Muslim communities, such as India. Imam Khomeini, the great leader of Iran’s Islamic revolution, issued a fatwa condemning Rushdie to death against his blasphemy