International Affairs Department of the Institute for Compilation and Publication of Imam Khomeini's Works manages to republish Sahifeh-ye Imam in English

''Sahifeh-ye Imam'' will be republished in English

Republishing of Valuable collection of 22-volume of Sahifeh-ye Imam in English language comes after a warm welcome by foreign readers and audiences in various parts of the world.

ID: 30543 | Date: 2012/03/24
International Affair department of Imam Khomeini Institute decided to publish at least 100 more copies of this precious collection following a wide welcome by foreign readers, organizations and international libraries.

The 22-volume collection of Sahifeh-ye Imam contains statements, messages, interviews, religious decrees, religious permissions and letters by Imam Khomeini. This collection is considered as first-hand and a rich source for familiarization with spiritual characteristics and various perspectives of his personality. Moreover, it reflects his methods, religious and political approaches and personal and social relations of Imam Khomeini.

Sahefeh-ye Imam is a perfect and comprehensive collection, which includes a variety of cultural, political and social works of Imam, and it was published for the first time in 2008 in English language and in 2009 in Arabic by efforts of International Affairs Department of Imam Khomeini Institute for compilation and publication of Imam Khomeini's works. This collection is being recorded and kept as validate document in the history of the Islamic revolution.

It is worth mentioning that bilingual soft copy of this collection is now available in order to facilitate the audiences' access to information with search, print and save options.

Sahifeh-ye Imam is a precious treasure of statements and guidelines by Imam Khomeini, which reviews the Islamic movement from its very emergence until its peak point, and stabilization of the Islamic Republic. It goes through events in the light of viewpoints and sayings of the greatest leader of the contemporary history.