Prayers take men out of darkness, Imam Khomeini stressed

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic used to stress that prayers take men out of darkness and, once out of darkness they become men who work for God…Prayers do not deactivate men!

ID: 54178 | Date: 2018/06/14
Some quotes by Imam regarding spiritual benefits of reciting prayers and supplications during holy month of Ramadan come as following:

At any rate, there are unprecedented subtleties in these holy prayers; heed them well; they can make men move. These prayers, especially those for the blessed months of Rajab and Sha'ban are preludes; they deck and dress one's heart in preparation for attending to a reception, God's Reception (i.e., the fasting month of Ramadan).

The Sha'baniyyah Prayer' is one of the greatest divine teachings and  supplications, as well as one of the most important affairs, which is understood by the initiates, each according to his capacity to comprehend.

The prayers that have come down in the holy months of Ramadan and Sha’ban are our guides toward the destiny.

During the second Night of Power  the Muslims who keep vigil and say nocturnal prayers of supplications all night, save themselves from the bondage of things other than God””that is, the shayattn [evils] from among the jinn and men””and come to the servitude of God.

Those who criticize the prayer books do so out of ignorance; they are ignorant; they are desperate. They have no idea how these prayer books   mold human being.

Sha 'bdniyyah: a litany that was recited by all the Imams, something true of no other prayer or invocation, during the month of Sha'ban. During his blessed life Imam Khomeini used to emphasize its importance.

Laylah al-Oadr. The Night of Power (or Decree), has a very special significance in the Muslim calendar because it is the anniversary of that night when the Qur'an was irst revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This night has been described as 'better than a thousand months' (Surah al-Qadr 97). and tradition holds that requests made to God during Lailah alOadr will be granted.