Holding a National Conference on ''Imam Khomeini, Ethics and Policy of Governing''

A national conference on “Imam Khomeini, Ethics and Policy of Governing”, will be held on April 18th at Azad Islamic University of Damghan.

ID: 30551 | Date: 2012/04/07
This conference will be held in two main categories of Ethics of Governing and Policy of Governing. The category of Ethics of Governing will be held in these subjects: The position of ethics and policy in Imam’s thoughts; Base, concepts and essence of ethics and policy in Imam’s thoughts; The position of justice and culture of criticism behavior from Imam’s view;  The ethics of brokers in Imam’s thoughts; The relations of ethics and policy in Imam’s view; Imam Khomeini and the ethics of organizational and electoral activities.

The category of Policy of Governing will be held in the following subjects: The principles of foreign policies, strategic view and international relations from Imam’s view; The indicators of Islamic and Tyrannic Governors in Imam’s view;  Comparative study on the policy approach from Imam Khomeini and the West’s view; The Vilayat-e-Faqih theory from Imam’s view; Imam Khomeini and the system of a religious democracy.