Imam Khomeini:

The Youth Are the Manifestations of Hope and the Harbingers of Glad Tidings

My beloved youth, I hope that the country's destiny will be in your hands from now .

ID: 30686 | Date: 2012/07/01

Guidelines for the Youth

You, the young students and the rest of the youth, are my hope and the harbingers of good tidings. You, the masses of young people, the masses of students, are my hope. My beloved youth, I hope that the country's destiny will be in your hands from now on and you, my dear ones, will protect your country. I hope that you will overcome your difficulties by (attaining) knowledge, and (doing) good deeds; by knowledge and self-edification; by knowledge and good deeds.


Sahifeh, vol. 6, Page: 306

Date: March 9, 1979[ Esfand 18, 1357 AHS/ Rabi` ath-Thani 9, 1399 AH ]