ID: 55894 | Date: 2018/10/16


Your ill eyes oh the intoxicated, made me ill,

The ringlet of your tress oh beloved trapped me.

The sypress of the kindness garden, the flower of the beauty garden,

The comely's coquetry made me fed up.

All the intoxicated lost their sobriety,

The cup of your animating hand, sober made me.

It can not be helped, I am enamoured, I am heart-rendered, I am woeful,

Your coquetry, to the bejeweled ruby bewitched me.

The beloved’s love put me in such condition that “Mansoor” of the era,

Brought me out of my hometown and hanged me.

Your love made me run away from the sufi’s circle and school,

Enslaved me at the gate of the vintner,

The wine from your brimful glass immortal made me.

Kissing the soil of your door confidant made me.