A Ghazal from Poetical works of Imam Khomeini

ID: 58800 | Date: 2019/05/03


I wish one day at your abode living I were,

In which happiness, sorrows and the heart’s desire were.

A knot within your tress in the hand is a wish,

The problem solver of any difficulty was.

Last night when due to your separation the heart was as dark as the underworld,

Your recalling was as a candle of that assembly.

The companions intoxicated, drunk, and unconscious,

Deprived those who like me in that essembly sober were.

Injustice and ignorance overwhelmed all rules,

Those who from themselves and the whole universe unaware were.

To the lovers the knowledge is considered veil, the veil,

Whoever went out of the veil infact ignonant was.

The lovers out of enthusiasm within the obliteration sea is drowning,

Unawere those who in the underworld of the coast were.

When I came to the love through mysticism I found out that,

Whatever we read and heard all in vain was.