The Holy Shrine and the Institute of Compilation and Publication of Imam Khomeini’s works

ID: 30971 | Date: 2011/10/23
Sayyid Ahmad founded two cultural and religious centers, which are regarded highly by the followers of the Imam, and preserve the Imams works, writings and ideals. Holding religious ceremonies in the holy shrine of Imam Khomeini, publishing tens of titles regarding Imam Khomeini’s movements, and translating different publications into different languages, are among the activities carried out by these two centers. These cultural centers have played an effective role in the revival of the Imam’s memory and have answered the many questions people have regarding the revolution.

The formal activity of the Institute of Compilation and Publication of Imam Khomeini’s Works began on the 8th of September 1988 and was during the Imam’s life. Due to the many mistakes in quoting the Imam’s beliefs and statements, Sayyid Ahmad wrote a letter to the Imam and asked him to appoint a person or an organ to supervise the publication of his works. Imam Khomeini entrusted this responsibility to his esteemed son, Sayyid Ahmad.

Furthermore on the 13th of November 1988, Imam Khomeini wrote the following addressing his son:

All records, files, letters, and the like that tend to clarify the documents or any document related to me shall be made available to you or your representative upon request. The concerned authorities are duty bound to make them available.

Based on this letter the Institute of Compilation and Publication of Imam Khomeini’s Works initiated its activities with the following goals:
• Supervision of the publication of works attributed to the Imam both inside and outside the country
• Collection of all works related to him (films, pictures, letters, documents, writings…)
• Categorization of the aforesaid works
• Translation and publication of the Imam’s writings and of the works related to him

A fundamental principle observed in all the Institute’s activities is that all publications are reliable, unbiased and contain no distortion whatsoever of the Imam’s works. Sayyid Ahmad always said: “Imam Khomeini does not belong to me or any particular group; he is a guide to Islam and the Great Leader of the Islamic Revolution. We are not permitted to publish the Imam’s works according to the inclinations of a person or a group or on the basis of the circumstances prevailing over society. We are duty bound to publish the Imam’s works and propagate his ideals as they are, without the least distortion and regardless as to whether the Imam’s stance is pleasing to me and others or not.”

The idea of establishing an Imam Khomeini Research Center in order to train specialists, who are well-versed in the fundamentals of Imam Khomeini, and who are awarded M.A. and PhD qualifications, was welcomed by the Imam’s son and its preliminaries are in process.

Under the supervision and directorship of the Imam’s son, the Institute has been able to spread the Imam’s thoughts and memory all over the world and is now known as a credible cultural and research center. In his will Sayyid Ahmad stated that the Institute and the Holy Shrine of the Imam should carry on observing the principles he laid out for them. Furthermore the supervision and management of this institute and the Imam’s holy shrine was, as Sayyid Ahmad wished, left to Sayyid Ahmad’s son, Sayyid Hassan Khomeini.

The Holy Shrine of Imam Khomeini is the center of attention for many Muslims all over the world. Every year millions of supporters of the Islamic revolution visit this holy shrine and it is also used as a venue for holding religious and political ceremonies. Prior to the Imam’s passing, the area, where the holy shrine is now located, was a desert and a farm and was devoid of any kind of facilities. It is hoped that with the construction of the Theological Center, the Imam Khomeini Research Center, the Imam’s and Revolution’s Works Museum, the Islamic Revolution Library, and other complexes and cultural buildings in the future, the Imam’s memory and ideals will live on forever.