A study of Imam Khomeini's life trend from 1341 to 1357

Imam Khomeini’s political fights during 1341 to 1357 is considered one of the most important periods of the presence of religious leaders in the contemporary fighting history of Iran.

ID: 59867 | Date: 2019/08/05

Imam Khomeini’s political fights during 1341 to 1357 is considered one of the most important periods of the presence of religious leaders in the contemporary fighting history of Iran.

During those years Imam Khomeini opposed the ratification of provincial council bill and with that he entered the political fighting arena and that had to do with the Pahlavi rule.

He turned that into a movement when the 15thKhordad uprising occurred. From the time of the entrance of Imam Khomeini into the political fight scene until the collapse period he worried about logical and Sharia legitimacy and felt that as a paining nightmare and that nightmare not only destroyed the rationality of logic of Pahlavi rule concerning dealing with authority, religion and the people's ideals but did away with the historical rationality of that in the 200 years’ outlook of Iran.

While the intellectual’s dependent on the system of constitutional monarchy of the Pahlavi rule had seen that at the top of all of political-social movements of the contemporary period of Iran Imam Khomeini is considered a basic pillar of transformations of Iran.

 In this research the writer seeks to examine in the historical limit and that is discussed meaning the passing away of the greater Ayaollah Brojerdi and the beginning of the social reforms of Pahlavi rule and the reaction of the scientists and at the top of that Ayatollah Khomeini until the ending years of Pahlavi rule the trend of the fights and the political life of Imam Khomeini during 1341 to 1357.

 In that direction the researcher examines Imam Khomeini's life in that period and the political fights of those years.