Hojatoleslam Majid Ansari:

The Imam's Wife and His Success

All women that a positive role is mentioned for them in the Quran, had been beside a great leader, for example Hadhrat Zaynab was actually responsible for Imamate from 11th of Muharram, after the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, until they reached Sham

ID: 31395 | Date: 2012/03/16
Executive Secretary of the Association of Combatant Clerics said: “The view of Quran views women and men the same way, and all the positions which men could hold are also available for women.”

According to a report by ISNA, Hojatoleslam Majid Ansari in a speech on the 7th day after the passing of Imam Khomeini’s wife which was held at the Hussainiah Jamaran said: “If there were no woman prophet or Imam it isn’t because of them being incomplete in creation but it’s because of the limitation in those positions and based on our believes Hadhrat Fatima Zahra, after the Prophet of Islam, is equivalent to Imam Ali and holds a higher position than all the Imams except Imam Ali and she also hold a higher positions than all the prophets except the Prophet of  Islam.”

He continued: “Along with introducing model men in the Quran, there are also model women, like the Quran introduces the wives of Noah and Lot as crusts and for a worthy and good model names Mary, mother of Jesus, and Asiya wife of Pharaoh. This comparing in the Quran shows us that all humans, not considering their genders, and family and any bordering between them are the same in their path towards prosperity and perfection.”

Executive Secretary of the Association of Combatant Clerics said: “All women that a positive role is mentioned for them in the Quran, had been beside a great leader, for example Hadhrat Zaynab was actually responsible for Imamate from 11th of Muharram, after the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, until they reached Sham.”

In continue he mentioned the life of Imam Khomeini and his wife and said: “God had kept Imam for our era and one of the facilities that God had given him for his path, was his great, kind and devotee wife; that’s because Imam was supposed to change the history and overturn a Pharaoh.”

 He added: “Imam’s wife played a great role in his successes. She had fully understood Imam’s mission and during all the difficulties of Imam she defended from his house. “

Ansari stated: “Imam was all respect in front of the lady, and taught the lesson of respecting our spouse for a lifetime.”