He will always live in our hearts

Noor Meesvaree – the leader of the front for at the national level of Moro

ID: 64689 | Date: 2020/09/09

Not only is he my leader and my chief but also he was the leader of all of the world's Muslims and all of the world's poor people and his valuable heritage will be alive for ever in our heart. He shook imperialism and that sought to conquer the world using force and the usurper Zionism and those who had a contract with them; and he awakened all of the Muslims of the world and the Islamic general public and he made them proud.

The axis of Imam Khomeini 's task was saving those who were deprived and the path to being saved and a great factor as far as the mobilization of the movements of the world's poor people is concerned is Iran's Islamic revolution.

Noor Meesvaree – the leader of the front for at the national level of Moro