Imam revived truths of religion

Takta Mashiof, Saveet Beyk – a professor of physics and the chief of the national university of Ghergheezesatn's sciences and industries

ID: 64694 | Date: 2020/10/06

Imam Khomeini is a great leader. He resorted to religious and spiritual values in the leadership and the guiding of the society's scene and he utilized and revived the capabilities and the stuffs that belonged to that and they had remained unknown.

Imam Khomeini chose a suitable time for the Islamic revolution. When the bases of the world's capitalist system had been shaken and the socialist or the communist system's inability concerning social efficiency and the governing of the society had been proved. Meanwhile Imam Khomeini was one of the rare and exceptional men.

He did not follow the capitalist path and not even one moment did he wonder about concerning his faith in the lack of credibility of the atheist Marxist and the communist systems. His path was one of being monotheism. He chose the religious path and he resorted to Islam and he believed in spiritual, human and divine values.

Takta Mashiof, Saveet Beyk – a professor of physics and the chief of the national university of Ghergheezesatn's sciences and industries