The mystical travelling and manners according to Imam Khomeini

The mysticism has a general concept and the different and the variable proofs.

ID: 66572 | Date: 2023/09/03
Author: Ali Ansari

Year: 1386 AHS

Submitted to: the center of the teachers researches in Isfahan



 The mysticism has a general concept and the different and the variable proofs.

Until now the different and the variable definitions regarding the mysticism have been put forward by the mystics such as the one in the Tawheed (monotheism) and the prophet-hood and the guardianship and that is of a Ceasar kind regarding the mysticism have been defined; the mysticism may be defined as knowing the great glorious God and that is what is true from the aspect of the names and the attributes and the appearances and the knowing the source's condition and the day of the resurrection and the world's truths and how to go back regarding those truths and then them being one truth and that is the very inner of the oneness of the truth and that is the one that is exalted.

The theoretical mysticism is the philosophy of the mysticism and that is the bases and the theoretical form of that but the practical one is the making use of and the making the mysticism thoughts.

From a long time ago, the mystical travelling and the manners have been paid attention to by the mystics who have to do with what is the truth and they wanted to rescue themselves from the constraint and the chains of the materialistic limits and the carnal desires and each of the mystics with the proportion of their view has expressed his or her rank and the processes regarding the travelling toward the God.

Regarding that Imam's view regarding the mysticism is what follows: the mysticism means reaching the one that one worships, getting destroyed in Him, seeing nothing but Him, hearing nothing by His talking; the mystic and he or she has to do with what is the truth means that hat individual has chosen a special place for Him.

According to the mystic the human beings are the summary and the essence of the world of being.

Therefore, the goal that the mysticism has is to complete the human beings from one moment to the other.