We do not indulge in whispering

ID: 31748 | Date: 2013/08/05

Dr. Sanjabi accompanied with Haj Manyian and Haj Mahdiyan came to Paris. At their first meeting with the Imam, in addition to the two of them, Mr. Salamatiyan also accompanied Dr. Sanjabi. Also present at this meeting were the late Ishraqi and Haj Ahmad. Dr. Sanjabi sat next to the Imam and after exchanging greetings, he began to speak with the Imam in a low voice that almost bordered on a whisper. In a loud tone so that we too could hear, the Imam said: "We do not indulge in whispering in the ears; you are free to speak your mind on any subject."[1]

[1]We do not indulge in whispering: Dr. Ibrahim Yazdi