No, I wasn't afraid at all

ID: 31789 | Date: 2013/08/03

After 15th Khordad (June 5, 1963) when the Imam was released from prison and resided in the Qeytariyyeh district of Tehran, Ayatullah Mar'ashi came to pay him a visit and asked: "Were you not afraid when they were taking you away?" the Imam responded: "No, not at all. Even on I assumed that they were pointing towards the Howd-e Sultan Lake (SaltLake). At that time there were rumors that those who opposed the Shah or the regime or if there were opponents in the army, they would be taken there and thrown in the SaltLake. Thus I had a feeling that they were pointing to that location. By God, at that time also, I was not afraid at all."[1]

[1] No, I wasn't afraid at all, Dr. Mahmud Borujerdi