The future lies with the Almighty God

ID: 31806 | Date: 2013/08/04

When the Ba'athist regime almost placed the Imam under house arrest except for a few close acquaintances, no one had the right to visit him at his residence. A few days later, the pressure decreased. They would increase and decrease the pressure on the Imam several times in order to force the Imam into silence. In one of these stages when they applied intense pressure my late father got in touch with some of the theologians inside and outside the country and requested them to send telegrams in endorsement of the Imam so that the government of Iraq did not get the impression that the Imam was isolated and can apply as much pressure on his holiness as they could. He himself along with two theologians who had recently arrived in Kuwait sent a telegram to Najaf in which while condemning any kind of restrictions on the Imam, he announced that he was awaiting the orders and instructions of the Imam. These telegrams definitely proved to be useful and beneficial but it was not in the interest of the Imam to respond to them in that era and that too in the form of a telegraphic message. The purpose of the theologians outside Iraq was simply to declare their support and to prevent the government of Iraq from harassing and bothering the Imam. In reply to the telegram of my late father who was his representative in Kuwait, the Imam wrote a letter in which he stated as follows:

In the Name of the Most Exalted; His Holiness Hujjat al-Islam Sayyid Mihri: After greetings of peace and good health, the telegram of His Holiness and that of Mr. Qa'imi besides other telegrams that were not signed was received. I saw it not expedient to give the reply by means of a telegram. After negotiations, they have for the time being halted their previous actions but I believe that this is temporarily. I have in protest asked for an exit permit but they came and promised that they would not interfere. I don't know what course of action will be taken in the future; it lies with the Almighty God...[1]

[1]The future lies with the Almighty God: Sayyid Jawad Mihri