One could not hear the effects of excitability in the tone of the Imam's voice

ID: 31841 | Date: 2013/07/24

Ayatullah Khomeini accepted to meet with the special correspondent of the 'Le Monde' daily at his place of exile in Najaf (Iraq). With a thin face and a calm voice, Ayatullah Khomeini spoke with us for about two hours. Even when he was mentioning and repeating the subject that Iran must release itself from the evil of the Shah and also when he would refer to the martyrdom of his son, there was neither any sign of excitement in his voice nor any noticeable movement in the lines on his face. His attitude, his power of control and his strength of character was prudent. Instead of stressing on words, faith and convictions to communicate with his audience, the Ayatullah would do so by his gaze-a gaze that was always penetrating. However, when the subject would become sensitive and reach to a major objective, it would become sharp and intolerable. The Ayatullah has a firm and absolute resolve and has no intention of accepting any sort of compromise. He is determined to continue his struggle against the Shah to its final conclusion…[1]

[1]One could not hear the effects of excitability in the tone of the Imam's voice: 'Le Monde' journalist