Absolute calm at the time of utmost suffering

ID: 31842 | Date: 2013/07/24

In the year 1968, I succeeded in meeting the Imam once in Najaf. In those years, going to the residence of the Imam in Najaf from under the watchful eyes of the hellish secret police 'Savak' of the evil 'T?aghut' regime would not remain concealed and go unnoticed. For this reason, very few people would go to his house on a regular basis. At that time, the Imam lived in that extremely humble house in Najaf with a few of his friends and his revered household. On the day when I went to the Imam's residence, about three or four people had come to pay him a visit even though it was the annual Iranian New Year holidays and a relatively large number of Iranians would travel to Iraq. In the year 1969 meaning precisely the years that the evil "T?aghut" regime was either holding the 2500-year celebrations of the monarchy as a sign of consolidation of the evil "taghut" regime in the land of Iran or was making preparations for it, what do you think the face of the Imam revealed? Did it show defeat, weakness or anxiety? It showed none of them. The Imam would speak and approach issues with such a confident and composed face that he would make the visitor and the audiences feel more hopeful of the future.[1]

[1] Absolute calm at the time of utmost suffering: as quoted by martyr Beheshti