Glimpses of the life of Imam Khomeini written by himself

A short biography in his words

ID: 68428 | Date: 2021/02/21


In His Most Exalted Name


According to ID No. 2744, born in 1279 AHS in Khomein. However, in fact, Jamādī ath-Thānī 20, 1320 AH is the definite date of birth is Jamādī ath-Thānī 20 that equals to Mehr 1, 1281 AHS.

Family Name: Mustafawī

Father: Mustafa

Mother: Hājar, daughter of the late Āqā Mīrzā Ahmad Mujtahid Khwānsārī al-Asl, issued at Golpāygān by Safarī Nejād, director of Personal Registration Department in Golpāygān.

In Khomein I began learning in the late Mulla Abu’l-Qāsim’s Maktab-Khāneh (old-fashioned primary school), elementary lessons under the guidance of the late Āqā Shaykh Ja‘far and the late Mīrzā Muhammad (nicknamed honor of distinguished religious scholars), in the between preparatory lessons under the guidance of the late Hāj Mīrzā Muhammad Mahdī (uncle), logic under the guidance of the late Mr. Najafī Khomeinī, and you[1] apparently “suyūtī”[2] and Description of the Hādī ‘Ashar Chapter[3] and logic and obviously somewhat in “mutawwal”. [4]

When I traveled to Arāk in 1339 (lunar calendar) for education under the guidance of the late Āqā Shaykh Muhammad-‘Alī Borūjerdī I studied “mutawwal”, the late Āqā Shaykh Muhammad Golpāygānī “mantic”, the late Āqā ‘Abbās Arākī “sharh-e lum‘ah”,[5] after migration to Qum following migration of the late Āyatullāh Hāj Shaykh ‘Abdul-Karīm (May God’s peace be upon him)—apparently his migration dated Rajab 1340 lunar calendar—migration of Āyatullāh Hā’irī to Qum dated Rajab 1340 AH and Nowrūz 1300 AHS- the remaining parts of “Mutawwal” under guidance of the late Adib Tehrānī known as Āqā Mīrzā Muhammad ‘Alī and “Sutūh[6] under guidance of the late Āqā Hāj Sayyid Muhammad Taqī Khānsārī somewhat or greater under the guidance of the late Āqā Mīrzā Sayyid ‘Alī Yathribī Kāshānī up to the end of sutūh and together participate in the classes of the late Āyatullāh Hā’irī Hāj Shaykh Abu’l-Karīm for advanced courses and majority of the advanced lessons were under his guidance. Philosophy under the guidance of the late Hāj Sayyid Abu’l-Hasan Qazvīnī and mathematics, astronomy, [7] arithmetic under his guidance and the late Āqā Mīrzā ‘Alī-Akbar Yazdī[8] and most of the benefits in spiritual and mystical learning under the guidance of the late Āqā Mīrzā Muhammad-‘Alī Shāhābādī.

After demise of the late Mr. Hā’irī we had discussion with a number of friends until the late Mr. Borūjerdī (may God’s peace be upon him) came to Qum for teaching and we attended his classes and benefited greatly. Long before his coming Mr. Borūjerdī was predominantly engaged in teaching “Ma‘qūl[9] and mysticism and advanced levels of jurisprudence and its foundations. After his coming, upon request of Mr. late Mutahharī I began teaching advanced levels of fiqh and lagged behind rational sciences. This preoccupation was continuous throughout my stay in Qum and duration of my stay in Najaf. After transfer to Paris, I was deprived of all and engaged with other affairs that continue to the present day.

My wife’s name is Khadījeh Thaqafī know as “Quds-e Īrān”, born in 1292 solar calendar, daughter of Hadrat Hāj Mīrzā Muhammad Thaqafī Tehrānī. Date of marriage 1308 AHS, first son: Mustafā, born in 1309 AHS, three daughters who are living and a son: Ahmad born in 1324 AHS, in order of age, the daughters consist of Sādiqeh, Farīdah, Fahīmah, Sa‘īdeh and after Ahmad Latīfeh, the last son in life of Ahmad.




[1] Mr. Sayyid Murtadā Pasandīdeh, elder brother of Imām Khomeinī.

[2] Among the books of theological schools in ‘Arab literature (syntax). This book contains a description by Jalāl ad-Dīn Suyūtī about al-Fiye-ye ibn Mālik.

[3] Among the books of theological seminaries in theology and religious tenets. This book is a description of Fādil Meqdād on part of one book of ‘Allamah Hillī.

[4] A famous book in rhetoric (skills of eloquence). Summary of the book is also known as Mukhtasar al-Ma‘ānī or Mukhtasar both being compiled by Sa‘d ad-Dīn Taftāzānī.

[5] A famous book consisting of a course of Imāmite fiqh. Its text was written by the first martyr and the second martyr annonated it and came to be known as “sharh-e lum‘ah”.

[6] Theological education divides into three levels: elementary, intermediate, Primary and middle stages of studies in seminary and advanced or khārij. Becoming versed in jurisprudence by reading sotoh is meant reading books of laws, rasā’il, makāsib and kefāyat al-Usūl under the guidance of the concerned masters.

[7] Astrology used to be among the usual courses in theological seminary of Qum.

[8] Mr. ‘Alī Akbar Hikamī Yazdī, among the distinguished students of Mr. ‘Alī Mudarris Tehrānī in philosophy who was among the great philosophers and died in Qum in 1343 AHS.

[9] By ma‘qūl is meant philosophy which Imām Khomeinī was engaged to teach the sharh-e manzūmeh and asfār (two important text of philosophy) in Qum seminary for years.