Essential components of cultural evolution from the perspective of Imam Khomeini with emphasis on national and indigenous values

From Imam Khomeini’s viewpoint, the ultimate goal is the development of a society in which human beings should be able to be flourished. And all the problems of society are due to the backwardness of human beings.

ID: 68933 | Date: 2021/03/27
Imam Khomeini, the architect and founder of the Islamic Republic considers cultural evolution as the development of a society where human beings can get rid of defects and imperfections.

In addition, Imam expects people to provide the basis for human development and real life and continuous renewal.

 Imam mentions the major objective to be the achievement of human spiritual well-being and also pays enough attention to the economic growth and art as the most important objectives of the Islamic society.

However, it is worth-mentioning that Imam Khomeini deems economic growth within the framework of social and cultural values of human life and does not consider the economy itself as the ultimate goal.

Imam believes that economic growth should be used in the service of humans and for excellence and the evolution of society.

Imam attaches top priority to cultural issues and Islamic and divine values.

 Therefore, from Imam’s viewpoint, the ultimate goal is the development of a society in which human beings should be able to be flourished. And all the problems of society are due to the backwardness of human beings.