The essence and nature from Imam Khomeini’s viewpoint

Author: Khadijeh Assadollahzadeh
University: Imam Khomeini Research Institute and the Islamic Revolution College
Year: 2009

ID: 69474 | Date: 2022/06/14
According to Imam Khomeini, the essence of nature has been one of the most fundamental and the most complex subjects of mystical and philosophical research.

Imam stresses that the nature of all human beings has been based on divine nature and originated from love for absolute perfection. There is no difference between human beings in this regard.

 Human nature is inherently inclined towards goodness and happiness and avoids imperfection and evil. In fact, all human instincts can be explained and interpreted within human sense towards absolute perfection.

At the beginning of creation, the human soul is a pure talent and is free from the attributes of perfection and vice and versa. 

Acquiring real knowledge and tearing or crossing though all the veils of darkness with the step of will and free will would be guided by light.