The issue of the segregation of religion and politics

disgraceful to say that so and so is a political clergy...

ID: 32083 | Date: 2013/01/31
The issue of the segregation of religion and politics is an issue that was colluded with so much deceit and chicanery that even we have been deluded! Even the term" political clergy" is a word of abuse in our circle!) It is

Sahifeh, vol6, Page: 04

disgraceful to say (that so and so is a political clergy! Whereas in reality these gentlemen themselves have perused in authoritative supplications which state that men of politics are servants. »1« Nevertheless, this chicanery has been inculcated so expertly that we ourselves have been deluded into believing that religion is separate from politics. A clergy goes up the pulpit) preaching (while the king is busy with his plundering! It is sufficient to know for anyone who has studied Islam and the glorious Qur'an that these two educate a society in all) respects (.

The Qur'an is a book that seeks to develop man, and Islam is a school that aims to make man in all aspects, not only to make him a material being but also a divine one. Islam considers all the facets of human life. Other principles and laws in the world have not outlined these issues like Islam does. Anyone can be brought up in any manner he wants: He should not just go hollering in the public market- he will be detained for it- but he is free to do anything that he pleases in the privacy of his home! One's privacy and what one does in it is of no concern of theirs. It is no business of anybody's! Islam, however, encompasses every aspect) even (one's privacy; it takes care of man when he is alone, when accompanied by someone, and so on in similar cases.

Sahifeh, vol6, Page: 14

They) government (have introduced Islam to us in such a bad light that we found ourselves believing that Islam did not have anything to do with politics! Politics belongs to Caesar and the pulpit to the clergy! They do not even allow us to occupy the pulpit! Islam is a religion of politics; it includes a government. You read Hadrat Amir's book and his directive »1« to Malik al-Ashtar »2« and see what it is. See what

Sahifeh, vol6, Page: 14

You witnessed how the various social strata formed in this short period a coalition that God had caused. This coalition and unity of expression between the material and spiritual wings, between the `ulama' of Islam and other classes from whatever clan they may be had caused a nation to rise up in rebellion. This unity of expression that the nation had adhered to and caused the nation to rise, defeated all the world's superpowers, tanks, and cannon.

Sahifeh, vol6, Page: 34

, the key to your victory is unity of expression. If they take this unity of expression from you, the same old bondage and plundering will prevail. It is not the same as before when you used to have an excuse that you could not do anything. Now you have realized that you can. You have a force and the nation is with you. You have a force in every city and village. Each day that you wish to accomplish something, the people will pave the way for your force to advance. Be together and form an assembly. Be accomplished and safeguard your unity of expression.

Sahifeh, vol6, Page: 64