The Pahlavi Dynasty Left Almost Nothing for Iran

ID: 32114 | Date: 2013/02/05

* From now on, you should be at the service of the nation. Serve your own nation. This land is yours. This country should be yours. The foreigners' hands should be severed. How much more must America, Britain or others plunder this country? We, at some time should become alert, vigilant, observant, and regain freedom.

Sahifeh, vol6, Page:69

* During these fifty years of the Pahlavi's dark rule, this dynasty left almost nothing for Iran; that is they have destroyed its human and material resources. They have kept backward the universities that should create human resources for us, and were ordered not to allow one single accomplished and serving human being be produced in them

Sahifeh, vol6, Page: 71

* We are announcing our solidarity with the religious minorities. We announce our fraternity with our Sunni brothers. The enemies of Islam want to create disparity between our brothers and us. The enemies of Islam and those duped by them are publicizing differences between these two sects) Sunni and Shi`ah (at this time. We announce the unity of expression of the Muslims. If Muslims had unity of expression, it would have been impossible for the foreigners to dominate them. This schism between Muslims has made the foreigners dominate us.

 Sahifeh, vol6, Page: 75