19 Bahman 1357 AHS (February 08, 1979 C.E.)

At a gathering of the Tehran Bazaar’s merchants

ID: 32146 | Date: 2013/02/07
*At a gathering of the Tehran Bazaar’s merchants, Imam Khomeini spoke about the Pahlavi dynasty and the key to the nation’s victory and resistance in the face of the superpowers.

*A large number of Air Force personnel in military uniform were received by the Imam. At the meeting, the Imam spoke about the unique characteristics of the Islamic military.

*At a gathering of members of the Association of Islamic Physicians and Teachers, the Imam spoke about the crimes committed by the Pahlavi dynasty.   

*in a speech to a group of teachers, The Imam spoke of the invincibility of Divine Movement and aspects of Divine education.

*At a gathering of various strata of people, the Imam called upon one and all to support the interim government and gave the final ultimatum to the last of the Shah’s governments. 

*On Imam Khomeini’s orders, a widespread march was held throughout Iran in support of the interim government appointed by him.