What makes a man great according to Imam Khomeini?

Extracted from a collection of memoirs about Imam Khomeini

ID: 70873 | Date: 2021/07/27
It has been reported that Imam’s lectures and study circles had become popular and crowded venues. For an instance, if Imam used to present his lessons at a mosque or a seminary in the holy city of Qom. The seminary students used to attend the lessons in large numbers.

Once devotees suggested Imam to go on turnip to deliver the lesson instead of sitting on the floor so in this way more space could be created for attendees.

At this Imam replied that climbing up two steps or sitting on a higer level woulnot make a man great.

In this way, Imam used to teach his pupils the good norms and morals of excellence.

Extracted from a collection of memoirs about Imam Khomeini