Imam Khomeini had always smile on his face

Extracted from a collection of memoirs about Imam, a memoirs by Jafar Mashhadi

ID: 71071 | Date: 2021/07/26
One of Imam’s servants, namely Jafar Mashhadi, recalled through a series of memoirs that Imam was too kind and had always a smile on his face.

 One day while he was performing ablution (Wudhu) before saying prayers, Imam addressed him by saying that his way of ablution had some mistakes and then pointed out errors. Ablution is part of some religious ceremonies.

Mashhadi said that Imam was too decent and possessed divine-oriented characteristics, but pointed out errors in certain cases without offending anybody.

Extracted from a collection of memoirs about Imam, a memoirs by Jafar Mashhadi