Special characteristics of divine names and attributes from the perspective of Imam Khomeini

Author: Mehrabi Foudani, Mehri
University: University of Isfahan, Faculty of Literature and Humanities
Year: 2011

ID: 71127 | Date: 2022/07/22

Divine names mentioned in the basic Islamic sources such as Quran and Hadith form foundations of Islamic mysticism and distinguish it from other mystic schools of thought of the East and the West.

 From perspective of Islamic spirituality and mysticism, Asma 'al-Husna represents the relationship between the sacred essence of truth and the world and man on the one hand,

on the other hand, these names and attributes are also considered as the mediator of man's knowledge of God the Almighty.

 Imam Khomeini through his theological works has examined and explained the divine names and attributes from the following three perspectives:


  1) The deep relationship of divine names and attributes with the holy essence of truth

  2) The connection of divine names and attributes with beings

  3) The divine names and attributes are interconnected with each other.

It is worthy to mention that the holy essence of truth   does not manifest itself in any mirror and is always beloved and hidden in the veil of names and attributes.