Women’s political and social participation from the perspective of Islam and Imam Khomeini

Author: Shirin Hussein Abadi
Year of publication: 2008
University: Fatemeh al-Zahra University

ID: 72041 | Date: 2022/06/22

The political participation of women is one of the issues that have deep connection with the growth and development of society.

The thesis stresses that the political role of women alongside men must be acknowledged if we want to build a balanced and civilized society.

It is because ignoring women, which are large group of will be discrediting general development policies.

 The crucial role and responsibility in society are not limited to only men, but also women have a significant contribution in society.

That is why the holy prophet had said in a famous tradition that "all of you are like herdsmen and all of you are responsible and accounable for your matters."

This hadith shows significance of the matter because it is addressed to all Muslims regardless of men or women.

In the same way, Imam Khomeini also stresses that the highest human values should be drawn in this regard.

 The researcher has tried to examine the arguments of the opponents and supporters of women's political and social participation by using religious sources.

It has also cited other sources and different opinions and views of Imam Khomeini.

 And the purpose of this study is to reveal the emphasis of Islam about women's participation in society.