Political participation of women from Imam Khomeini’s viewpoint

Author: Fatima Kashif al-Ghatta
Year of publication: 2006
University: Baqer al-Uloom Higher Educational Institute

ID: 72048 | Date: 2022/10/16

In this study, we examined the factors affecting and impacting the women's political participation and Imam Khomeini’s views in this regard.

The era and decades following the victory of the Islamic Revolution has been considered in terms of time and how the views and ideals of Imam Khomeini were put into practice during the certain period of time.

Research methods and indicators have been used to measure political participation of the women.

In addition, factors affecting political participation have been discussed in the form of socio-economic and political factors.

 Elsewhere in the thesis, socio-economic factors such as education, family status of the Iranian women within context of religion have been studied and analyzed from various perspectives.

Then, Imam Khomeini's views on women were examined.

According to Imam, men and women are equal in terms of human and social rights, and if Islamic norms are observed, there is no obstacle for women to participate in politics, but interfering in their own destiny is a women's right.

And in the current situation, their presence in the political arena is not only their right but also their duty.  

Thus, having a proper education and job along with the factor of religion and in connection with the promotion of other indicators along with removing legal and structural barriers has caused a fundamental change in the situation of women's political participation in Iran.

We came to conclude that the course of the Islamic Revolution, led by Imam Khomeini, enabled women to reach their true status as defined by Islam, both intellectually and practically.