Imam Khomeini explained how everybody according to its capacity and potential can be bestowed from divine words

According to Imam Khomeini, the Holy Quran has not only a heart, but also many hearts and these hearts are quite interwoven and interrelated with the words of the Holy Quran.

ID: 72307 | Date: 2023/12/09
Therefore, everybody according to its capacity and potential can be bestowed from divine words and verses. Although Imam Khomeini considers the complete understanding of the Holy Quran exclusive to the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his household) and the Twelve Infallible Imams (A.S.) but he never stated that self-purified men cannot understand it.

Imam Khomeini's pondering and meditating on the Holy Quran resulted in a deep reliance on the Holy Quran, so that he based all his affairs on the verses and instructions of the Holy Quran.

He believed that the Holy Quran was the Book of Guidance and replete with sage, spiritual and mystic orders and instructions. The Holy Quran is the basis of Islamic sciences and the everlasting miracle of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his household).

Thus, I do believe that more we move toward the approaches of Imam Khomeini we will be successful in creating more dynamic and innovative Islamic seminaries.