Imam never took performing prayers lightly whilst ill .

A memoir by Mrs Fatema Tabatabai – Imam's daughter-in-law

ID: 74181 | Date: 2022/05/31
One of the physicians in the holy city of Qom narrates: When we heard that Imam was suffering with a heart problem, I myself went to his bedside and measured his blood pressure.

  The Imam's blood pressure was very low and from a medical viewpoint was very critical.  I quickly gave the Imam emergency treatment.  After two hours, his condition had improved slightly but remained critical.  At that time, I saw that Imam had gotten up from his place. 

I asked the Imam why he had gotten up.  He replied that it was for prayers.  I said to him, “In the field of Islamic jurrisprudence, you are a Mujtahid.  However, in the medical field, I am a specialist.  In my opinion, moving about for you is haraam.  It is better that you pray lying down."  Imam quickly heeded my words.
(A memoir by Mrs Fatema Tabatabai – Imam's daughter-in-law)